Transcervical Resection of Endometrium (TCRE):
HYSTEROSCOPIC RESECTION OF ENDOMETRIUM What is a hysteroscopic resection of endometrium?
When is a TCRE performed?
A hysteroscopic resection is performed to treat very heavy periods(menorrhagia) in women who do not wish to have more children.
What does the operation involve?
TCRF is usually performed under a general anaesthetic as a day-case procedure. No external cut is required, all the surgery is performed via the birth canal. The cervix (neck of the uterus) is gently stretched and a hysteroscope (small telescope) is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus. The hysteroscope gives a view of the uterine cavity and has a surgical loop at its end that is used to remove (or "resect") the endometrium.
What is the recovery like after surgery?
The patient goes home on the same day as the operation. There may be some period-like cramp and bleeding for few hours after procedure, but otherwise the procedure is completely pain free. There will be some light bleeding, or blood stained discharge that usually settles within 7 days although some discharge may persist for up to 4 weeks. During this time the cavity of the uterus is healing. Most women return to driving and work within 48-72 hours.